For those who are tired of studying with flashcards: AnkiGames lets you select your Anki flashcards and play games with them.  Currently, Memory and Mix and Match card games are available, more games to follow.


  1. Download Anki
  2. Add CrowdAnki plugin
  3. Export your Anki flashcard deck with CrowdAnki in JSON format


Default Deck: German A2 Vocabulary (

"Change Deck" screen

Select the JSON file for "Select Deck", and all the media files (image and audio) for the "Select Media" options.  Currently it only accepts these media formats: .jpg,.png,.mp3'

"Config" screen

Select two fields from your Anki Deck to study with.  Audio can be embedded in one of those fields, but you need to select it again separately.


UI Pack (2.0), Pattern Pack 2 (1.0), Game icon pack - Created/distributed by Kenney (   

SummerTown - LushoGames (

Development log

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